Culture Commons Director, Trevor MacFarlane was invited to attended the Labour Creatives Conference in London alongside 200 or so leaders from across the UK to hear about Labour's plans for culture and creativity should they win the upcoming general election.
Trevor was asked to put a question to the Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves MP and chose to ask about her approach to adjusting Green Book principles to make sure the arts and culture get the investment they need under a Labour administration.
Following the event, he said:
“Labour are clearly thinking seriously about the kinds of policy they want to land in a first term Parliament if they were to take office. Thangam being joined by Keir, Rachel and Bridgette today shows the importance Labour see our sectors.
And there’s plenty on the table to feel excited about here: a new apprenticeship model, a New Deal for Working People (including freelancers), a national infrastructure map, day-one curriculum reform, shoring up the copyright regime, support for public sector broadcasters, ending the EU touring saga, caps on ticket touts and a major Space to Create programme.
We’re looking forward to helping the shadow DCMS and DLUHC teams to put some flesh on the bones of their plans for devolution and increased local decision making to make sure they work for the creative, cultural and heritage ecosystem through our open policy development programme.
New powers for local areas have to be backed up with the infrastructures and support they need to utilise it. If we get this right, local leaders can bring citizens closer to decision making about their own creative lives locally, which could in turn see a really positive shift in the makeup of the creative and cultural sectors - who’s in them and where they flourish.”
These comments were picked up in wider ArtsPro coverage, which you can read here.